
This project is merely a conglomeration of other, much larger projects. Major thanks to those who wrote the libraries to make this tool set possible.

Cryptographic Utilities

Name Author(s) License Description
BitcoinJS bitcoinjs-lib contributors MIT Bitcoin library
CryptoJS Jeff Mott New BSD License Encryption and hashing library
Elliptic Fedor Indutny MIT DHE library
JSEncrypt Travis Tidwell MIT RSA library
jsSHA Brian Turek New BSD License Enhanced SHA library

Other JavaScript Libraries

Name Author(s) License Description
jQuery The jQuery Foundation MIT DOM traversal, event handling, etc.
popper.js Federico Zivolo MIT Tooltips
qrcode.js Sangmin, Shim MIT QR code generator


Name Author(s) License Description
Bootstrap Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton MIT CSS framework
Font Awesome Dave Gandy MIT Icons
Lock icon AJ Ashton Public domain Favicon